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Parent & Volunteer Info

Show Your Support


I am not sure if parents realize what an important part they play to their son/daughter while they're involved in sports. There was a study done by Jones McCarthy and Clark-Carter in 2008 that proved positive parental involvement was one of the most frequently reported results by young males and females. This proves that young athletes not only enjoy their sport more but thrive when their parents are involved.

Coaches and parents or guardians must work together to ensure everyone stays healthy. If your child has been sick, is sick, or been around someone who was sick, please let us know asap. If your child, God forbid, is diagnosed with COVID, please let us know ASAP so we can update the parents/guardians and do everything we can to avoid anyone else getting it. Most importantly, so we can be there for you and your child.

If your child has asthma, a heart condition, takes any medication, is going through emotional trauma, has experienced a death, whatever it may be, please inform your child's coaches. Yes, we have the physicals on file, but creating that connection and verbally letting your coach know is what we are hoping to achieve. In the case that a coach and parent are having a discussion and it starts to get heated, parents and coaches have the right to postpone the conversation. Those types of discussions should never happen in front of the players, other parents, and fans.

We understand that many parents may have coaching experience, which is great, but coaches are asking that you reinforce the skills and training the athletes are being taught at practice. Our coaches are teaching our athletes to play as a team. They are working kids through various positions to see where each child will progress and help their team succeed. We understand that there are some children who have their favorite positions, but please encourage your child to work through each position their coach is asking them to. They may love being a QB but they might not realize how outstanding they are at running back. We are shaping our youth to be the next great Holly Middle and High School athletes, but we can only do that if parents and athletes work together with our coaches! We are always open to new innovative ways to make our organization the best it can be!! Thank you for all your continued support! We very much appreciate every single one of you!

-Stampede Board

Volunteer Stampede Duties

Stampede Duties are volunteer positions to help with duties at home games.

Stampede Duties are required at each home game because much of our revenue aside from registration fees are earned at home games. All parents of football players and cheerleaders are expected to help with Stampede duties to ensure our organization is successful. Regardless if you are new or old to our family, this is a great way to get out there and meet new people.

Each family is required to volunteer for at least one job. Failure to do so will result in a $100 postdated check to be cashed at the end of the season.

The job you sign up for will be for the entirety of that game (including any unforeseen delays), so please plan your day accordingly.

We would appreciate you signing in for your duty at least 15 minutes before the game begins to ensure we have adequate coverage.

Any family member or friend may sign up for Stampede Duties, as long as they credit the athletes' name at sign in.

Announcer - You will announce the whole game with play by play with help from a dedicated team in the press box.

Concessions - Help set up, serve, take money, and clean up once the game is over.

Time Keeper - Operates the time clock in the press box.

Chain Gang - 3 person crew to work the down marker and chains.

Spotter - A person who will name the players to the announcer who was in the play. This will consist of last name, number, or both.

Clean Up - Help clean up the facilities at the end of games including the field, concessions, trash, and stands.

A volunteer check is postdated for the end of the season 10/31/2024. This check is collected the first day of practice will be made out to "Holly Stampede" for $150. THIS CHECK IS NOT DEPOSITED IT IS HELD UNTIL YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER VOLUNTEERS AT A HOME GAME.

You MUST volunteer 1 time throughout the season. We always need help at games. We have a lot of behind the scenes that goes on to make these days happen. Please remember board members are also volunteers. We are not paid to do this, we do it because we want your kids to be able to have this opportunity.

So, without the help from parents, we cannot make this happen.

This year you will have to sign in at the games, at the end of your session you will receive your volunteer check back at that point. THIS IS YOUR CHECK YOU GIVE US AT THE START OF THE SEASON.


Volunteer for Stampede Duty

Please complete the form below to complete your Stampede Duty Volunteer registration. If your availability changes for each home game, please complete separate registration forms. Volunteer Stampede Duties are chosen on a first come first serve basis.


**Stay Tuned ... Sign up for Volunteer Stampede Duties will be available when the game schedule is finalized.